Орфо® и Контекст® -  Лингвистические программы
495  269-06-30
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  • Русский

Enterprise solutions



All registered users can upgrade an old version of product to a new one with a discount of 50%.


Licensing for organizations and companies

Informatic proposes network solutions of ORFO and CONTEXT, to be used in enterprise networks.

We offer enterprise licenses for the product installation on several computers from one media. This allows to cut down expenses as well as to eliminate the possible problems with the installation of a product.

The price of licenses depends on the number of workstations: more workstations - more discount when buying the products.

We give the additional discount to the state and educational companies buying licenses for our products.

Apply to the office of Informatic to take up a license.



Пожелания по работе магазина

Вопросы оплаты и получения программного обеспечения

Your wishes for the work shop

"Informatic" Ltd., 1989-2011. All rigths reserved

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